Senator Arellano, Jr releases statement to guilty verdict in Madigan trial

State Senator Li Arellano, Jr has released the following statement following the guilty verdict into the corruption trial of former House Speaker Michael Madigan:

“For decades, House Speaker Michael Madigan embodied the corrupt Democratic political machine—one that valued power, patronage, and personal enrichment over the public good. From governors to state legislators and public officials, Illinois has faced a relentless cycle of scandals and corruption convictions, draining taxpayer dollars, driving up taxes, and eroding public trust. This is the result of a system built to preserve power rather than serve the people.

As the former Mayor of Dixon, I witnessed firsthand the devastating aftereffects of corruption in our community of 15,000 after the city comptroller embezzled $53 million. Corruption is never a victimless crime. While state Democratic insiders’ profit, hardworking families are left to bear the burden through higher taxes and hollowed services.

Now is the time for both parties to come together and enact meaningful reforms—independent oversight, stronger ethics laws, and tighter revolving-door restrictions—to ensure that no one can ever accumulate the kind of unchecked power Madigan did.”

Li Arellano, Jr

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